Address: Atlanta Area, GA, 30022
Phone: +1 404 960 2864
Built site for Hadoop cluster to monitor and promote jobs through the dev/qc/production process.
Wrote website to control which Cybersecurity metrics would be controlled throughout the bank.
Contributed significantly to data visualization of Cybersecurity metrics.
Assisted in ingest of Cybersecurity metrics.
Led controlled deployments of updates on-premise.
Contributed to internal directory search tool which accidentally became very popular within the bank.
Tech: NodeJS, TypeScript, React, Redux, MS SQL, GraphQL, C#
Full stack development for two Fortune 50 companies in the retail and banking sectors.
Tech: NodeJS, TypeScript, React, Redux, GraphQL, MS SQL
Led backend development on Node projects in the automotive and airline sectors.
Tech: NodeJS, TypeScript, Postgres, AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Identity Management Connectors - State of Colorado
AngularJS Directives - Liberty Mutual
Election Reporting Application - City of Halifax
Bitcoin Mining Marketplace - GAW Miners
Consumer-facing Storytelling App - Umenta
Identity Management Connectors - Cenovus Energy
Tech:AngularJS, Java, VB.Net, C#, MS SQL
Small team developing commercial off the shelf software.
Quest One Identity Manager - Data Governance Edition
Quest Collaboration Services
Quest Access Manager
Quest Group Policy Manager
Tech: C#, C++, ADSI
Performance analysis and troubleshooting on a large web-based CRM system.
Developed custom zoning package for Summerside, PEI.
Tech: VB.Net, Custom language
Developed data collection software for NIH and FDA clinical trials.
Provided technical support services for the Department of Neurology.
Tech: VB.Net, MS SQL
Software Development Manager, Wells Fargo